Quack Casino: End of Financial Year Report 2022/23

It's been an extraordinarily busy 2022/23 financial year for Quack Casino. This report aims to provide a summary of the Casino's earnings and throughput during the 2022/23 financial year.


active player(s) : a player or group of players who connected to FDG during the 2022/23 FY at least once.

2022/23 FY : shorthand for the 2022-2023 financial year, starting 01 July 2022 and ending 30 June 2023.

Bets Placed

Key Insights

  • 1,354,920 individual bets were placed
  • 5,050 unique visitors placed at least one bet

Across Blackjack and Keno 1,354,920 individual bets were placed. Averaged, that's one bet every 2.6 minutes of the FY (rounded up). The facility experienced a record-breaking number of bets this year, with an additional 75,657 bets placed this financial year compared to the previous.

GameCount of WagersPercent of Total Count of Wagers Placed on All Games (%) (rounded)

Blackjack and Keno Count of Wagers

Those bets were made by a pool of 4,735 unique visitors, making for an average of 269 bets per unique visitor having placed at least one bet (rounded up). An impressive 19,059 unique players connected to FDG during the FY, 26.5% of which placed at least one bet during their time.

Money Gambled

Key Insights

  • $212,717,787,195 was spent on gambling
  • $17,726,482,266 was gambled per month on average

During the FY, a combined total of $212,717,787,195 was gambled on Blackjack and Keno. Compared to the previous financial year's combined total of $161,502,484,447 the facility witnessed a hefty additional $51,215,302,748 in wages placed.

GameSum of Wagers ($)Percent of Total Wagered on All Games (%) (rounded)

Blackjack and Keno Sum of Wagers

An average of $17,726,482,266 was gambled per month of the FY. May 2023 seemed to be the month to gamble, seeing the highest amount gambled of all the months in the FY ($21,113,021,000). Followed closely by June 2023 at $20,893,932,000.

The least amount of money gambled in a month occured in November 2022 ($8,970,621,000). Speculation as to why is welcomed.

YearMonthSum of Wagers ($)

Money Gambled per Month of FY


Key Insights

  • $208,951,996,180 paid out by Blackjack and Keno
  • 51.8% of Blackjack bets resulted in a payout
  • 21.8% of Keno bets resulted in a payout
  • $3,765,791,015 net loss of all players

A combined total of $208,951,996,180 was paid out by Black and Keno. That's a 31.3% increase compared to the previous FY's combined total payouts of $159,115,069,930. The results are unsurprising considering the differences in money gambled between the two games.

GameTotal Worth of Payouts ($)Percent of Total Sum of Payouts (%)

Money Gambled per Month of FY

Averaged amongst the 5,050 unique visitors, each visitor received $41,376,632 in payouts (rounded up).

Blackjack sees a surprising success rate of 51.8%, seemingly tipping the odds in favor of the player. Keno's success rate of merely 21.8% appears more expected.

GameTotal Bets PlacedTotal Winning BetsSuccess Rate (%)

Blackjack Losing and Winning Bets

Keno Losing and Winning Bets

The facility made a profit of $3,765,791,015. Despite Blackjack's high likelihood to win, the amount of money paid out did not offset the amount of money gambled, removing $742,657,232 from the economy. Keno voided $3,023,133,783.

GameTotal Money Gambled ($)Total Payouts ($)Difference ($)

Blackjack and Keno Total Wagers and Total Payouts