Los Santos Saints

Los Santos Saints

Los Santos Saints: A Faithful Gang

The Los Santos Saints, a gang like no other, finds its inspiration and motivation in their unwavering faith in Catholicism.

The Beginning

The Saints' story begins in a small church located in North Rockford. Mario Martinelli, who was dealing with a troubled past at the time, stumbled upon the church while searching for solace in his difficult life.

It was during this chance encounter that he met Felix Ramiro, a priest who has devoted his life to the church and God himself. Felix soon became his mentor and taught him not only patience but also how to gather strength from God in dire situations.

Mario realized how powerful that felt, having strength from God and being able to rely on the people from the church. He took these strengths to the streets, helping those in need by spreading worldly advice, protection in the eyes of God, and the services the church has to offer. Not only does the Saints offer baptisms, weddings, blessings, and Bible readings, but they also offer successful exorcisms.

(Revelation 12:7-9) - Demons continue to serve the devil in his attempt to lead the world away from God and into sin. Jesus will ultimately banish Satan and his demons into the eternal fire.

Growth and Community

Over the years, Los Santos Saints have carefully selected more devoted members of the church, and due to the growing congregation, they have moved to the Sandy Community by making the church on Route 68 their new home of God. The Saints not only offer protection to civilians and neighborhood gangs but also to those in the Sandy community who are homeless and hungry by offering their time and love for God.

The Saints' main goal is to rid the community of any sins and protect those wanting a peaceful afterlife.

(Isaiah 41:10) - Fear not, for I am with you, be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.